Terminal emulator Terminator and open it in folder
“At its simplest Terminator is a terminal emulator like xterm, gnome-terminal, konsole, etc. ” (Copy from the official website of terminator https://terminator-gtk3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
The content of this article is as follows:
- Installation
- Set Open Terminator in folder.
# add terminator repository
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome-terminator# Update sources list
$ sudo apt-get update# Install terminator
sudo apt-get install terminator
Set Open in folder using FileManager-Actions
a. install FileManager-Actions if not installed
b. open FileManager-Actions Configuration Tool either from the applications or from a terminal with
$ fma-config-tool
c. Click File -> New action
- In the Action tab, fill in a meaningful label in Context label, e.g ‘Open in Terminator’, and choose to display in selection and/or location.

- In the Command tab, fill in the Path (/usr/bin/terminator), and Parameters options (- -working-directory=%d/%b) .

- After log out and in, with right click, Open in Terminator will show in FileManager-Actions actions -> Open in Terminator