SSH and Jupyter Notebook remotely
1. SSH Directly
$ ssh your_username@host_ip_address
- checking the ip address in Ubuntu
$ ip addr show
It shows ipv4 and ipv6:

2. SSH Using ngrok
Server Side
- Installation
2. Launch Service
$ ./ngrok tcp 22
Client Side
- SSH to the server
# xxxx: user name, -p12345: possword
$ ssh -p12345
3. Launch jupyter notebook Method
- Open jupyter notebook in the server
Method1: open the jupyter notebook in the server directly.
$ jupyter notebook
Method2. open the jupyter notebook in the server through SSH
# SSH to the server
(local)$ ssh -p12345# type screen and jupyter notebook
(server)$ screen
(server)$ jupyter notebook
2. mount the server web address (8888) to local (i.e 8008)
$ ssh -L 8008:localhost:8888 -p 12345
The terminal show web address, starting with:
http://localhost:xxxx (following 8810)

- Check currently running jupyter notebook servers
$ jupyter notebook list
- Stop a running notebook
# jupyter notebook stop 8889
3. Open the remote jupyter notebook locally in web browser using http://localhost:8008
4. Screen Usage
Screen is a terminal multiplexer. You can start a screen session and then open any number of windows (virtual terminals) inside the session. Processes running in Screen will continue to run when their window is not visible even if you get disconnected.
(1) To start a screen session
$ screen# start named session
$ screen -S session_name
(2) List the current running screen sessions
$ screen -ls

(3) Detach from and reattach to a Linux Screen Window
Detach from screen window
Kill the screen.
To resume your screen session
$ screen -r# in case having multiply screen windows, resume screen 24430.pts
$ screen -r 24430
(4) Working with Linux Screen Windows
When you create a new screen session, it creates a single window with a shell in it. You can have multiple windows inside a screen session.
The most common commands for managing Linux Screen Windows:
Create a new window (with shell)Ctrl+a
List all windowsCtrl+a
Switch to window 0 (by number)